Contact Details

Marié Sonnekus

Cell: 084 5147290
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Bloemfontein, Free State


Abby's Story


An addiction can be described as the use of a substance where some kind of tolerance develops. The person needs more of the substance than before for the same effect. This can also happens with behavior, i.e. in the beginning it was enough for a person to go gambling over the weekend only, but it increased to once a day for this person to be happy.

It is common for a person to think about or try to cut down on the use of the substance or behavior, but he/she is usually only successful for a short while. The addiction may take up a lot of time, e.g. visiting doctor after doctor for more presciptions. This can also be the case when someone is addicted to a specific behavior, i.e. a person who cannot complete tasks at work because of his/her addiction to the Internet, which take up most of his/her working day.

The root of an addiction can start in childhood with some kind of trauma. Another risk factor for a person is growing up with low self-esteem or not feeling loved or good enough. When we do not feel good enough about ourselves, we find something outside ourselves to feel better. This can be alcohol, drugs, smoking, medicine, sex, internet, or anything else we can use to help us cope with life and feel good about ourselves. Another root for addiction can be painful memories from a long time ago.

Abby's Story

Abby was unhappy most of her life. From the age of 6 months she moved from foster home to foster home and whenever she had to say goodbye to yet another mommy and daddy and felt rejection, her behavioral problems increased. When Abby was 8 years old she ended up in a children's home where she stayed until she was 18. Abby remembers having feelings of depression her entire life - the feeling that she does not belong anywhere.

Cocaine When Abby started to work after school, she made friends and started to go out. It is here that she was introduced to the white powder that soon became her best friend. The first time Abby used cocaine she felt on top of the world for the first time in her life and felt happy. Unfortunately this happiness did not last. The next day Abby would feel just as depressed - maybe even more than before.

Abby then started to use cocaine more frequently and after a while she did not even go out with her friends anymore, she would simply stay at her apartment and spend the evening with her addiction. Abby's life was in worse shape than ever before. The only thing she could think about was her craving for cocaine and where she could find money for her next fix.

Abby ended up in hospital after she was found laying unconscious in her apartment. This is when Abby finally realized she needed help urgently. Abby was admitted to a rehabilitation centre and started therapy. She started her inner journey and found a lot of grief inside her; grief from the many rejections she had to face while growing up. With great courage Abby faced all the emotional pain and healed her little inner child that was so lonely and depressed. It was a long road for Abby, but she found a lost part of her sould every day.

Abby now has a job she enjoys and a boyfriend who treats her like a princess. She managed to leave her addiction behind and now looks forward to her wedding day and having a family of her own. All the pain and rejection is in the past.

The thoughts, behavior and feelings you have today, are the thoughs, behavior and feelings of your inner child. Through healing the little child within you, these thoughts, behavior and feelings can be healed. Please read The Inner Child, Feelings and Behavior for more information.